10 Stories … #3

Continuing with our series of couples and their divorce process …

3. Marriage of Smith

Roger wants a divorce from Nancy.  He complains that Nancy does not respond to his emails or texts or phone calls.   She does not keep to promised dates and that drives him crazy.  She takes forever to do anything.  She is a hoarder and keeps piles of paperwork everywhere and he is sick of it. 

Nancy complains that Roger is punitive toward the kids to control Nancy.  He terminated their cell phones because they did not do what he told them to do.  He calls and texts after midnight to get answers.  She does everything for the kids and has to work and does not have time.

They have gone through years of litigation and now ran out of funds to litigate.  Nancy has accounted for every expense during the marriage and wants Roger to pay half.  We address each of their concerns and work out an agreement. Nancy brings up all her concerns again after the session.

I looked at Nancy and asked her.  Do you really want the divorce?  We both realized it was hard for her to let go of the marriage.  Similar to all her concerns and all the items she keeps at the house.