What do you want to focus on in your divorce process?
What is the focus and background of divorce litigation? How dare you betray me? I will show you. You are wrong and I am right. You are not going to screw me. You have no right. You owe me. Why? It is all about domination and avoiding domination. Emotions feed the actions and reactions and…
Read MoreIt Is Not Divorce Itself That Causes Pain and Suffering
It is the story a person has about the divorce that causes the experience of divorce. Typical divorce stories: I am unloved, used goods, a failure, alone. A divorce story can be: I am free I can focus on myself and how I want to grow My life is mine A new journey yes Nothing…
Read MoreHow is the attorney fees issue generally handled in court?
In order for the parties to have a level playing field, the law requires that the court order a spouse who has access to more money to pay reasonable attorney fees of the other. This could be disparity of income meaning one spouse makes more money than the other or it could be that one…
Read MoreWhat Could Happen if You Take Your Custody Dispute to Court?
The Judge is given the power to decide with whom the children live; who makes the decisions for the children, and how much access the children will have with each parent. To have the judge rule in your favor, your attorney will try to paint a bad picture of your co-parent and a great picture…
Read MoreMarriage and Prenup
Key to being powerful in your relationship: How to be responsible and the right influence in your relationship? 1. Create a mission statement and mutual goals for the relationship together. 2. Build a structure of how to deal with breakdowns together. Find out for example what does your partner want you to do when he…
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