When a spouse pays off student loans for education attained before the marriage with funds from salary earned during the marriage, then the court has to grant reimbursement to the community; meaning that the spouse has to reimburse the other for one half of what he/she paid off during the marriage according to the following case: In re Marriage of Mullonkal…
Read MoreI want to talk to you about a prenup. Definitely not one that is a legal negotiation between attorneys putting us against each other before our marriage. But one that will bring us closer together. In business, future partners get on the same page about expectations from each other and how to work together to…
Read MoreA Story of What happens in Court when one parent wants to move away In May 2013, the court entered a judgment dissolving the parties’ marriage. As part of their divorce agreement, they had joint legal custody. Joint Legal custody means that they must agree on the important decisions of the child together such as…
Read MoreMary and Gary are divorcing. There was $200,000 from her brother that Mary invested during the marriage that turned into $300,000. Mary says that the $300,000 was her brother’s money entrusted in her to do investments for him. Gary says that it was a loan from Mary’s brother and, therefore, the $100,000 increase is community…
Read MoreSpouse: I am tired of your stupidity. You let people come over to the house and have the kids exposed to them in this pandemic. You are risking my life. I am going to talk to my lawyer and change custody. You: Thank you for bringing your concern to me. I want you to know…
Read MoreIt Is Not Divorce That Harms The Children, It Is the Parents’ Fighting About Divorce That Harms Them
Parents cannot protect their children from dealing with life’s challenges, such as dealing with bullies or being exposed to harmful media material or peer pressure or illness, etc. In fact, if parents could protect their children, that would be harmful to them because the children would not develop the capacity to deal with problems and…
Read MoreIf you are debating whether to stay in a marriage or divorce, the conflict within you could be about not wanting to tolerate and put up with a relationship that is not working for you versus the fears of divorce and the comfort of knowing. Fears of divorce could be, fear of financial hardship, or…
Read More“Jessica” and “Martin” were married with two daughters. Jessica is a physical therapist working three days a week with an income of about $9000 per month and Martin is self-employed owning two corporations with a salary to him of $7,700 per month. Jessica filed for divorce in May 2003 and they get a judgment of…
Read MoreIn our final story in this series, what happens when one spouse doesn’t trust the other one, but still needs him 10. Stacy and Eric Stacy comes from a wealthy family. Yet she has been very nervous about their finances. Eric and Stacy have two children together. When the children were 6 and 8, Stacy…
Read MoreThis story in our series can show you how the cost of litigation can sometimes force cooperation. 9. Marriage of Ali and Fatimah Ali and Fatimah’s divorce started when Fatimah joined the Shiia Muslim sect. To Ali, a Sunni, that was an ultimate betrayal and insult. Fatimah has taken their two minor kids to Georgia…
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